If you have good computer with a lot of CPU power, you can try out a prototype of a spin visualization tool that is written with Unity in C#:
Please note that this requires really, really good computer, or else it will run extremely slowly!
You can also download the Windows Executable
Please note that this requires really, really good computer, or else it will run extremely slowly!
The gray panel can be moved around:
The Kernel angle defines the “winding” or “folding” of space in the case spin 1/2, otherwise the amount of twist:
If you press H, you can see a help page:
Using WASD, you can fly around in the scene, to see the visuals from all sides.
Apologies that it runs only smoothly on very good computers.
I am also working on a VR version, but … well… either I have to wait for a more powerful VR device (I tried with Oculus 2) or I will have to seriously optimize the computations, because it is way too slow (and that is an understatement 🙂 :-).